After Care

Effective Date: July 11th 2023

Day 1-3/ Dry our your tattoo

Exposure to dirty environments increases the risk of inflammation and infection. Prolonged exposure to water or sunlight can cause skin damage. Extreme caution is needed during this period.
  • Our studio uses second skin. you can leave the second skin on for about 3-5 days without needing to take any action during that time.
  • If the area around second skin film becomes itchy or shows sighs of an allergic reaction, remove the film immediately.
If it's not second skin...

1.When you get home, remove the pad and wash the area with warm water/ Do not use soap

2.Gently press with a towel or paper tower to remove the moisture/ Let it dry completely for 30 minute.

3.Apply a very thin layer of ointment/ Do not apply too much

4.Wear loose clothing that won't rub against the tattooed area.

Things to be cautious about: Pets, Dirty hands, swimming, Hot sun, Sauna, Alcohol

Day 4-7/ Moisturize your tattoo

During the healing process, inflammation risk decreases but the skin is vulnerable to re-injury. Adequate hydration and cleansing are essential, along with regular application of light ointment. Avoid exercise and sunlight exposure.

1.Slowly remove the Second Skin, preferably during a shower.

2.Apply a thin layer of ointment/ 3 times per day

If a scab forms, instead of scratching it with your hand if it itches, tap in gently or apply moisturizer

For ointment options, you can try Acquaphor, A&D, Bepanthen from a nearby pharmacy, or use tattoo-specific creams. Once scabs start to peel and dead skin begins to slough off, you can switch to using regular lotion.

Day 14~/ After 14 days

Healing is about 95% complete.
Use a mild scrub to remove remaining dead skin,
and maintain moisture with lotion and sunscreen
for a month.